Saturday, December 4, 2010


Albi, on the river Garonne up stream a few hundred miles from Bordeaux, is a recently unesco listed medieval city. By flying up river, we were able to see the shiny new amazing bridge across the valley.
For a while we thought that the Gite owners were talking about a Roman viaduct when they kept telling us about the 'Viaduc de Millau'. Now we know better. Voila!

The Garonne has some neat meanders in this area. I suppose that the castle on the thin part of ground here defended the land on the island river. Lush.

The Albi cathedral is the largest brick building in the world. Actually it may be the largest brick cathedral in the world. Otherwise I think Carlton United Breweries on the Yarra in Melbourne would take it ;)

نقدم افضل خدمات تنظيف الكنب بالرياض فنحن نملك افضل اجهزة التنظيف بالبخار لاننا افضل شركة تنظيف كنب بالرياض
وبالمملكة واسعارنا في متناول الجميع
افضل شركة تنظيف بالمدينة المنورة

شركة تسليك مجاري بالدمام

شركة تسليك مجاري بالرياض

اسعار غسيل السجاد بالرياض


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